Thursday, June 11, 2015

Kelli Tennant 6/10

The Dodgers are probably happy to have Yasiel back, not sure if reporters are quite as excited. After Howie's walk off, Kelli catches the majority of a cooler of powerade despite a valiant effort to get away. Her long skirt slowed her initial steps and collected tons of the powerade as  Puig targeted her and emptied what was left on Howie. She ended up soaked and completed the interview on the look out for more liquid (mlb video 0:45-0:47).

photos by AP Chris Williams - some more stellar shots in the link below

+ 1.5 soaked front
+ 0.5 soaked top
+ 2 soaked skirt
+ 0.5 soaked back
+ 0.5 soaked hair

+3 long skirt
+2 heels

C/Q 6.5 D 5 P/T 7 = 18.5

Individual Leaderboard: Emily still with a commanding lead
Emily Jones 40.5
Julia Morales 27.5
Kelli Tennant 18.5
Jon Morosi 18
Gary Striewski 12

Team Leaderboard: West teams dominating
Rangers 58.5-2
Dodgers 28.7
Astros 27.5
Red Sox 12
Roylas 12

Reporter Escape Artist
Joel Goldberg -Salvador Perez keeps him on his toes
Emily Jones +2

Drink Choice: too bad everyone calls them gatorade showers
Powerade: 125.7
Gatorade: 53.5
Bodyarmor 10

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