Other big awards went to Emily Jones for her Hall of Fame, record breaking soaking and Alex Curry again able to avoid multiple showers this year, although not quite as perfect of a record.
Individual Cooler Cup 2015
Joel pulled away with a complete soaking late in the year, but caught enough here and there to overtake Emily's big time soaking and hold of Britt's post season run.
Individual Leaderboard:
Joel Goldberg 89
Emily Jones 61.5
Britt McHenry 57
Julia Morales 53.5
Alex Curry 37
Team Cooler Cup
The Royals ran away with the title, thanks mainly to this guy, shown here getting paid back some.
A long world series title run included several national reporters being soaked as the Royals doubled up on everyone else.
Team Leaderboard
Royals 164.5-lots
Rangers 79.5-lots
Dodgers 55.2
Astros 53.5-3
Angels 37-5
Top Cooler 2015
Emily's red soaking won every category, taking most of 2 full coolers C/Q, the red ruining her dress and seemingly her heels D, with plenty of media coverage after she took the targeted dousing P/T.
Reporter Escape Artist 2015
Joel and Emily dodged a lot of coolers, but won big awards above so can't really call them escape artists. In a late season surge, Alex dodged multiple showers during a late homestand as the Angels nearly made a big enough run to make the playoffs. She wins her second straight escape artist award.
Drink Choice:
Gatorade gets a late boost from Royals Postseason run to retain rights the "Gatorade Shower"
Gatorade: 278.5
Powerade: 219.2
Powerade: 219.2
Bodyarmor 37