Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Guerin Austin 5/30

As May wraps up, looks like the Royals competition will be dependent on how often Red Sox bring the buckets and not just the cups. Guerin was frozen in place this time, didn't move and caught a good portion of the water. They didn't need to be at home to bring a solid soaking. 

NESN joins the list of TV networks that don't provide these post game interviews on the MLB site, so we lose out on some of the entertainment value... but it's only May, guessing she's got few more dresses that may end up a little damp.

Individual Reporter Scoring
Coverage/Quantity: how much the reporter ended up wearing
+ 0.5*2 coolers
+1 soaked skirt
+1 soaked front
+1 soaked back
+1 soaked top
+0.5 soaked hair

Damage: how much the dry cleaning bill would be
+2 heels
+2 skirt
+2 dress

Publicity/Timing: how easy was it to score, how big of a game
Unfortunatley, no interview video posted online, other than some brief vines
+3 photos great before/during, a little after
+1 away game 

C/Q 5.5 D 6 P/T 4 = 15.5

Individual Leader-board Top 5
Joel Goldberg 56

Guerin Austin 40
Julia Morales 23.5

Hazel Mae 16
Emily Jones 16

Team Leader-board Top 5
Royals 56-10

Red Sox 40
Astros 23.5

Blue Jays 161 (15 minimum)
Rangers 16- 1 (15 minimum)

Reporter Escape Artist
Emily Jones +~20*
Joel Goldberg +~10 *

Hazel Mae +2 *
* = currently ineligible due to top 5 individual
** = HOF cooler this year, ineligible

Reporter Drink Choice
Powerade 103.5

Gatorade 91.5

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