Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Hazel Mae 5/3

After winning the division last year, Toronto has struggled getting the offense going this year. This game was no different, the Blue Jays needed a 9th inning home run to tie it at 1 and relied again on Smoak to hit the walk off in the 10th. Good news for the Jays, maybe it will get  them going, but it spelled bad news for Hazel's green dress.

During the interview with Smoak, Pillar and Martin approached with Powerade. The red stuff came first splashing off of Smoak and catching Hazel off guard. Luckily for her, despite not moving very far, Martin's water cooler mostly missed her and Smoak, right between them. A fairly high scoring splash that was inches from a huge soaking.

Twitter provided an alternate angle from the broadcast video linked below

Individual Reporter Scoring
Coverage/Quantity: how much the reporter ended up wearing
.5*2 coolers (2nd cooler missed)
+0.5 soaked top
+0.5 soaked hair
+1 soaked skirt
+1 soaked front

Damage: how much the dry cleaning bill would be
+2 red is bad, definitely leaves mark on the green, but not a high percentage stained
+2 skirt
+2 dress
+2 heels

Publicity/Timing: how easy was it to score, how big of a game
+3 video coverage/availability 
Broadcast Video (longer version than on MLB site)
Twitter Different Angle
+ no photos, great video coverage, shame no photos around to show the splash/aftermath, close to a Hall of Fame splash
+1 seeds, not sure if she got any on her, but good addition to the liquid

C/Q 4 D 8  P/T 4 = 16

Individual Leader-board
Joel Goldberg 24
Hazel Mae 16
Emily Jones 16
Julie Alexandria 10 
Marney Gellner  10

Team Leader-board
Royals 24-1

Blue Jays 16
Rangers 16- 1 (15 minimum)
Padres 10
Twins 10 

Reporter Escape Artist
Emily Jones +~7*
Joel Goldberg +1 *
* = currently ineligible due to top 5 individual
** = HOF cooler this year, ineligible

Reporter Drink Choice
Powerade 42
Gatorade 34

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