Monday, May 30, 2016

Joel Goldberg 5/28

 A 7 run 9th inning for walk off win, Joel new the buckets were coming, but could only duck as he got held and soaked from parts of two coolers. He's starting to pull away.

Individual Reporter Scoring
Coverage/Quantity: how much the reporter ended up wearing
+ 0.25 1st 0.5 2nd *2 coolers
+1 soaked coat
+2 soaked back
+1 soaked front
+1 soaked pants
+2 soaked hair

Damage: how much the dry cleaning bill would be
+2 red
+2 suit
+2 dress shirt
+2 tie 

Publicity/Timing: how easy was it to score, how big of a game
+2 video
MLB video
+1 photo
Getty 1 

C/Q 8.5 D 8 P/T 3 = 19.5

Individual Leader-board Top 5
Joel Goldberg 56
Guerin Austin 24.5
Julia Morales 23.5
Hazel Mae 16
Emily Jones 16

Team Leader-board Top 5
Red Sox 24.5
Royals 56-10
Astros 23.5
Blue Jays 161 (15 minimum)
Rangers 16- 1 (15 minimum)

Reporter Escape Artist
Emily Jones +~20*
Joel Goldberg +~10 *
Hazel Mae +2 *
* = currently ineligible due to top 5 individual
** = HOF cooler this year, ineligible

Reporter Drink Choice
Powerade 103.5
Gatorade 76

Scoring Details

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