Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Julia Morales 5/24

It's been a disappointing and discouraging year for the Astros who after the wild card win last year looked ready to contend for more this year. The slow start kept them from having much to celebrate, but they seem to be slowly getting better and maybe the walk off will spark a streak. 

Julia hasn't had to worry about the powerade much this year, looked like her first step was a little late, combining that with Correa's celebratory hug/protection/hold, she got completely included and soaked in the blue powerade. She picked a good day to wear dark/blue and pants, but how did the white heels come out of it?

Would love to see Root Sports SW/MLB put the Astros post game interviews up to see the full interview/shower/reaction. Relied on twitter and the pictures, but it seems pretty obvious she got pretty wet.

Carlos instigating a new interview tradition, celebratory hug... I'm sure accidentally timed during the Powerade

Individual Reporter Scoring
Coverage/Quantity: how much the reporter ended up wearing
+ 0.75*2 coolers
+1 soaked shirt
+2 soaked front
+1 soaked back
+1 soaked pants
+1.5 soaked hair

Damage: how much the dry cleaning bill would be
+1 blue, fortunately she was wearing dark/blue
+2 heels

Publicity/Timing: how easy was it to score, how big of a game
Unfortunatley, no interview video posted online, RootSportsSW isn't very good at getting them on the MLB site
+2.5 photos great before/during, a little after on twitter
Getty 1 
Getty 2
Getty 3
Houston Chronicle

C/Q 8 D 3 P/T 2.5 = 13.5

Individual Leader-board
Joel Goldberg 36.5

Guerin Austin 24.5
Julia Morales 23.5

Hazel Mae 16
Emily Jones 16

Team Leader-board
Red Sox 24.5
Royals 36.5-8

Astros 23.5

Blue Jays 161 (15 minimum)
Rangers 16- 1 (15 minimum)

Reporter Escape Artist
Emily Jones +~18*
Joel Goldberg +~8 *

Hazel Mae +2 *
* = currently ineligible due to top 5 individual
** = HOF cooler this year, ineligible

Reporter Drink Choice
Powerade 103.5

Gatorade 56.5

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